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January 04, 2006

Bloggers and Act Up! at Justice Sunday III


AIDS Protesters
Conservatives, Homosexuals, Abortionists. Something for every market segment this weekend at Justice Sunday III.

Rumors are Act Up! and Planned Parenthood will be "on site" at the church hosting JSIII. Sure to be more than a clash of ideas.

Politics is the business of our liberal friends, and they are concerned about losing market share:

This is simple Marketing 101, it is not that complex, and it astounds me that the Democrats keep shoveling millions of dollars to Bob Shrum to lose key elections ... Is the GOP embarrassed by the lunacy, the bigotry and the ignorance of these [natural law, conservative] people? You bet your *ss they're not. They embrace them. They run to them. When Justice Sunday comes around, they send Bill Frist to stand with them in pride as they babble and foam.

Goodness. This will make dialog a bit of a challenge.


Interested in joining the conversation? Bloggers across the country will be posting live on the smackdown.

Blogger's Row for Justice Sunday III includes Captain Ed of Captain's Quarters, La Shawn Barber, Stacy Harp of Mind and Media and Rightwingsparkle, of the Cotillion. So stay tuned.

SPECIAL NOTE TO BLOGGERS NEAR PHILADELPHIA: If you are interested in attending Justice Sunday and would like press credentials as a blogger to join Blogger Row, CONTACT ME.

The Family Research Council is running the show. "Justice Sunday III - Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land" will be a simulcast from Philadelphia on Sunday, January 8 2006.

Sunday night is the eve of the Alito hearings, and the event's purpose is "To educate people of faith on how the judiciary impacts their lives and to show how activist judges seek to end all mention of God in the public square."

It is the follow-up to "Justice Sunday II - God Save the United States and this Honorable Court."

Speakers will include:

Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family; Tony Perkins, Family Research Council; Rev. Herbert Lusk, Greater Exodus Baptist Church; Bishop Wellington Boone, The Father's House; Senator Rick Santorum, (R-PA); Dr. Jerry Falwell, Liberty University; and Dr. Alveda C. King


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Visit Faith Mouse at Blogs for Life Conference.

Full Discloser: JSIII Blogger Row is run by Chamraine Yoest, Ph.D., at Reasoned Audacity. She is wife of Your Business Blogger.

Posted by Jack Yoest at January 4, 2006 07:13 PM

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